Friday, September 30, 2011

Tishre Holidays Program and Upcoming Sukkot Programs

September 25 we had our Holidays in Tishre program...we gathered together to discuss the different holidays in the month of Tishre, Selichot, Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.  We learned to bake and braid round challot (the plural of the word challah) and we watched, what some kids said was a show from the 60's, it was actually Northern Exposure and was popular in the 1980's...Made all the adults in the room feel a little old. 

After crafting the beautiful challot, each family took home their pan and baked the challah for their how Rosh Hashana meal. 

In 2 weeks on Sunday, October 9th we will be setting up and decorating the Temple Israel Sukkah in the Goldblatt Waterview Courtyard at 9:30 am.  We will have breakfast, a Sukkot learning experience, as well as arts and crafts and games.  I look forward to everyone joining us as we get ready to celebrate Sukkot!!

On October 12th Temple Israel will celebrate Sukkot with our Annual Pizza in the Hut Sukkot celebration.  Join us in the Goldblatt Waterview Courtyard at 6:00pm for a Sukkot family activity, open to everyone from babies to bubies, followed by dinner and Sukkot service. 
Temple Israel Members: Adults $5/ Children 13 and under Free
Non Temple Israel Members: Adults $10/ Children 13 and under $5

If you have any questions or would like to sign up for any of the events at Temple Israel, please email me at or call me at (561) 833-8421.  I look forward to speaking to you all soon!!

L'Shana Tova U'Metuka (Have a good and sweet year)
Stefanie Raifman

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